Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Knitting and Hot Wax

Project No. 1 
Knit One, Pearl Two

 This week has been filled with little project's for this house wife, thanks to the husband. When people ask where I live and who with I tend to say "I live in a zoo, with four cats, a husband and now chickens on the way".

As I try to get the turkey noises out of my head from that crazy husband and the real ones walking across or property I never want to hear or see a turkey again. Thank you sweetheart for ruining the joy of turkey dinner at holidays - I will never be in love with the word of Turkey ever again!

To help drown the sound I put my headphones on and finished my knitting project, my "resting blanket". 10 balls of No.6 Bulky Yarn, 20 cups of tea, and god knows how many hours later - We have a cozy warm blanket. I am hoping to do it in a different colour, so let the Michael's coupons start coming in.


Start with 40 cast on's and just knit, knit, and knit.

( I know, great pattern. I kept this one simple)

Project No. 2
Husband, Wife, Hot Wax and A Bed

Well, It wouldn't be fair it I just said it was all the husbands fault... Well for now we will blame him.

My Husband and I are a very playful couple, we work hard everyday in everything we do but we enjoy to laugh even more. One night we were laying in bed watching reruns of Friends (Pivot, Pivot, PIVOT) and we were just making jokes, laughing and enjoying fresh popped popcorn.

As we were waiting for the next episode to download he rolled over to blow this candle that I had lite on the end table, note - I didn't know what he was doing, I thought maybe getting more popcorn or a drink. So in my wise decision I decided to start goofing around and poke up, tickle, just be a plain old bug. As I started to bug him, he became surprised and doesn't that beautiful scented pink Yankee Candle full of hot wax go flying across the bed, landing on the husbands bare skin and my first response was "MY CLEAN SHEETS!" he looked at me and said sarcastically "Oh, I'm sorry. OW" as he pointed to the now dried pink wax on his skin. We both started to laugh, inside I cried about my clean sheets.

The Next day I was talking to a good friend and she asked what I was doing as I was breathing heavily, I told her I was changing the sheets off my bed because my husband got wax all over it. She didn't seem too impressed, so I quickly explained and she laughed. However, in that conversation I learned a neat trick how to get wax out of material.

1. Heat up Iron
2. Place a towel over the wax spilled area
3. Iron over the spot on the towel
4. Remove towel, and BAM it's GONE!

Until Next time, don't play with hot wax in bed.

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